iCORE Chair in Nanoscale Information and Communications Technology
AITF Industrial Chair in Atom Scale Fabrication
CTO Quantum Silicon Inc.
Principal Research Officer (NRC Nanotechnology in Edmonton, Alberta)
Nanoelectronics Program Coordinator (NRC Nanotechnology in Edmonton, Alberta)
Robert Wolkow is a Professor in the Department of Physics, iCORE Chair of Nanoscale Information and Communications Technology at the University of Alberta and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He is also the Principal Research Officer and Nanoelectronics Program Coordinator at the National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT), AITF Industrial Chair in Atom Scale Fabrication and CTO of Quantum Silicon Inc. He received his BSc from the University of Waterloo, his PhD from the University of Toronto and did postdoctoral work at the IBM TJ Watson Research Centre before becoming a staff scientist at Bell Laboratories. He has received multiple awards for outstanding achievement, most recently the ASTech Outstanding Leadership in Alberta technology 2015, Innovation Patent Award 2017, Innovation Makes Sense Spin Off Award 2015 and the Innovation Makes Sense Patent Award 2016.
Wolkow has had a leading role in discovering, altering and deploying atom scale properties of silicon. His years of fundamental advances have laid a broad foundation for practical applications. With his spin-off companies, he is initiating commercialization.
We draw from the cream of the crop of Canadian and International graduate students and researchers
David McComb, RA 1994, became faculty member at the University of Glasgow.
Charles MacPherson, RA 1995, Nortel in Ottawa, then Uniax, Santa Barbara.
David Brown, RA 1996, now senior process engineer at microprocessor manufacturer AMD.
Gregory Lopinski, RA 1998, now a staff scientist at NRC Steacie Institute
Steven Patitsas, RA 1999, Professor, University of Lethbridge, Physics department.
Oleksa Hulko, PDF 2000, became a research associate at Cambridge University.
Gin Gu, PDF 2001, postdoc in Germany
Peter Kruse, PDF 2002, Professor at McMaster University, Chemistry
Xiao Tong, PDF 2002, research associate, Santa Barbara, staff scientist Brookhaven National Labs
Paul Piva, PDF 2003, became RA at NRC standards Institute, IP Lawyer
Mohamed Rezeq, PDF 2003, Professor Saudi Arabia
Iana Dogel, PDF 2004-6, assistant director, Nano Alberta, gov Alberta agency
Luca Ramoino, PDF 2006-7, Senior Process Engineer at Oerlikon Solar AG Switzerland
Adam Dickie, PDF 2003-5, science writer and vintner
Stanislav Dogel, PDF 2004-8, became staff scientist at NINT
M. Baseer Haider, PDF 2006-9, Professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Mustafa Muhamad, PDF 2008-9, now RA at University Alberta, engineering dept.
Lucian Livadaru, PDF started 2006-10, RA 2010 – 2013, QSi Inc., staff scientist
Hatem Labidi, PDF 2013 - 2016, now a postdoc at the Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communications Technology in Sydney, Australia
Mohammad Koleini, PDF 2012 - 2016, RA 2016-201, now Researcher at DTU Nanotech
Moe Rashidi, PDF 2013-2018, RA 2018, now Research Analyst at ATB Financial
Thomas Dienel, RA 2017 - 2019, now RA at Cornell University & PARADIM
Bruno Martins, PDF 2011-19, now Data Wrangler/Modeller at Brightside
Radovan Urban, PDF (2006-10), RA (2010-2021), now Technology Development Officer at
Jo Onoda, RA 2017-2021, now Lecturer at UTEF
Amsalu Anagaw, MSc, 2007, PhD student Physics UofA.
Manuel Smeu, MSc, 2005-2007, PhD student McGill, now Professor at Binghampton University
Janik Zikovsky, PhD, 2004-2009, became staff Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, now Director of Software Development Engineering at Refinitiv
Shoma Sinha, PhD, 2006 – 2011, now Sr. Advisor Advanced Technologies, at Government of Alberta
Cristian Vesa, MSc 2009-2011, became teacher
Josh Mutus, PhD, 2006-2012, Postdoc U Santa Barbara, now Staff Scientist at Google quantum Computer Facility, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Peter Legg, MSc, 2010-2012, became Solutions Consultant, IBM
Marco Taucer, MSc/PhD student, 2009-2015, Dissertation Award, currently postdoc with Paul Corkum, U Ottawa
John Wood, MSc, 2015-2017, now Engineer at Mycralyne
Erika Lloyd, MSc, 2015-2017, MASt at University of Edinburgh, now Quantum Computing Research Scientist at Good Chemistry Company
Wyatt Vine, MSc, 2016-2018, PhD in electrical engineering at University of New South Wales, now Quantum Device, Engineer at Photonic Inc.
Taleana Huff, MSc, 2012-2015, PhD, 2015-2020,
Stephanie Yong, MSc (2018-2020), now Nanoelectronics Development Scientist at QSi
Jeremiah Croshaw, MSc/PhD (2016-2020), PDF (2020-2023)