Simulating Charged Defects in Silicon Dangling Bond Logic Systems to Evaluate Logic Robustness
March 5, 2024
Ng, S.S.H., Croshaw, J., Walter, M., Wille, R., Wolkow, R.A., Walus, K., IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2024, 23, 231-237
Atomically Precise Manufacturing of Silicon Electronics
February 20, 2024
Pitters, J., Croshaw, J., Achal, R., Livadaru, L., Ng, S.S.H., Lupoiu, R., Chutora, T., Huff, T., Walus, K., Wolkow, R.A, ACS Nano, 2024, 18.9, 6766-6816
Ohmic Contact to Two-Dimensional Nanofabricated Silicon Structures with a Two-Probe Scanning Tunneling Microscope
November 15, 2021
Onoda, J., Khademi, A., Wolkow, R.A., Pitters, J., ACS Nano, 2021, 15.12, 19377-19386
Field assisted reactive gas etching of multiple tips observed using FIM
April 1, 2021
Ahmed, R., Urban, R., Salomons, M., Cloutier, M., Mizuno, S., Wolkow, R.A., Pitters, J., Ultramicroscopy, 2021, 223, 113216
Ionic charge distribution in silicon atomic surface wires
February 3, 2021
Croshaw, J., Huff, T., Rashidi, M., Wood J., Lloyd, E., Pitters, J., Wolkow, R.S., Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 3237-3245
See full article
Consistent probe spacing in multi-probe STM experiments
October 7, 2020
Onoda, J., Vick, D., Salomons, M., Wolkow, R.A., Pitters, J., AIP Advances, 10, 105213.
See full article
Atomic defect classification of the H–Si(100) surface through multi-mode scanning probe microscopy
September 7, 2020
Croshaw, J., Dienel, T., Huff, T., Wolkow, R.A., Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 11, 1346-1360.
Deep learning-guided surface characterization for autonomous hydrogen lithorgraphy
March 18, 2020
Rashidi, M., Croshaw, J., Mastel, K., Tamura, M., Hosseinzadeh, H., Wolkow, R.A., IOPScience, 1, 2.
See full article
SiQAD: A Design and Simulation Tool for Atomic Silicon Quantum Dot Circuits
January 24, 2020
Ng., S., Retallick, J., Chiu, H.N., Lupoiu, M., Livadaru, L., Huff, T., Rashidi, Vine, W, Dienel, T., Wolkow, R.A., Walus, K., IEEE Transactions on Technology, 1-1
Detecting and Directing Single Molecule Binding Events on H-Si(100) with Application to Ultradense Data Storage
November 7, 2019
Achal, R., Rashidi, M., Croshaw, J., Huff, T., Wolkow, R.A., ACS Nano, 9b07637
Electrostatic Landscape of a Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon Surface Probed by a Moveable Quantum Dot
August 6, 2019
Huff, T., Dienel, T., Rashidi, M., Achal, R., Livadaru, L., Croshaw, J., Wolkow, R.A., ACS Nano
Autonomous Atomic Scale Manufacturing Through Machine Learning
February 23, 2019
Rashidi, M., Croshaw, J., Mastel, K., Tamura, M., Hosseinzadeh, H., Wolkow, R.A., arXiv:1902.08818
Charging of electron beam irradiated amorphous carbon thin films at liquid nitrogen temperature
January 7, 2019
Hettler, S., Onoda, J., Wolkow, R., Pitters, J., Malac, M., Ultramicroscopy, 196, 161-166
See full article
Binary atomic silicon logic
December 13, 2018
Huff, T., Labidi, H., Rashidi, M., Livadaru, L., Dienel, T., Achal, R., Vine, W., Pitter, J., Wolkow, R.A., Nature Electronics, 1, 636-643
Initiating and monitoring the evolution of single electrons within atom-defined structures
October 15, 2018
Rashidi, M. Vine, W., Dienel, T., Livadaru, L., Retallick, J., Huff, T., Walus, K., Wolkow, R.A. Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 166801
Lithography for robust and editable atomic-scale silicon devices and memories
July 23, 2019
Achal, R., Rashidi, M., Croshaw, J., Churchill, D., Taucer, M., Huff, T., Cloutier, M., Pitters, J.L., Wolkow, R.A. Nature Communications, 9, 2778
Selective production of hydrogen ion species at atomically designed nanotips
March 1, 2018
Moritani, H., Urban, R., Nova, K., Salomons, M., Wolkow, R.A., Pitters, J. Ultramicroscopy, 186, 42-48
Autonomous Scanning Probe Microscopy in Situ Tip Conditioning through Machine Learning
May 23, 2018
Rashidi, M., Wolkow, R.A., ACS Nano, 12(6), 5185-5189
All-electronic Nanosecond-resolving Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Facilitating the Investigation of Single Dopant Charge Dynamics
January 19, 2018
Rashidi, M., Vine, W., Burgess, J.A.J., Taucer, M., Achal, R., Pitters, J.L., Loth, S., Wolkow, R.A., J. Vis. Exp.,131, e56861
Resolving and Tuning Carrier Captures Rates at a Single Silicon Atom Gap State,
November 1, 2017
Rashidi, M., Lloyd, E., Huff, T., Achal, R., Taucer, M., Croshaw, J., Wolkow, R.A., ACS Nano, 11(11), 11732-11738
Atomic White-Out: Enabling Atomic Circuitry through Mechanically Induced Bonding of Single Hydrogen Atoms to a Silicon Surface
July 18, 2017
​Huff, T., Labidi, H., Rashidi, M., Koleini, M., Achal, R., Salomons, M.H., Wolkow, R.A., ACS Nano, 11(9), 8636-8642
Indications of chemical bond contrast in AFM images of a hydrogen-terminated silicon surface
February 13, 2017
​Labidi H., Koleini, M., Huff, T., Salomons, M., Cloutier, M., Pitters, J.L., Wolkow, R.A., Nature Communications, 8, 14222
Time-Resolved Single Dopant Charge Dynamics in Silicon
October 26, 2016
​Rashidi, M., Burgess, J., Taucer, M., Achal, R., Pitters, J.L, Loth, S., Wolkow, R.A., Nature Communications (7), 13258
Time-Resolved Imaging of Negative Differential Resistance on the Atomic Scale
December 30, 2016
Rashidi, M., Taucer, M., Ozfidan, I., Lloyd, E., Koleini, M., Labidi, H., Pitters, J.L., Maciejko, J., Wolkow, R.A., Physical Review Letters (117), 276805
Quantum Transport in Gated Dangling-Bond Atomic Wires
December 5, 2016
Bohloul, S., Shi, Q., Wolkow, R.A., Guo, H., Nano Letters, 17(1), 322-327
Reactive Gas Ion Beam Generation Using Single Atom W (111) Gas Field Ion Sources
July 1, 2016
​Urban, R., Moritani, H., Wolkow, R.A., Pitters, J.L., Microscopy and Microanalysis (100), 616-617
Iridium single atom tips fabricated by field assisted reactive gas etching
March 30, 2016
​Wood, J.A., Urban, R., Salomons, M., Cloutier, M., Wolkow, R.A., Pitters, J.L., Applied Surface Science (267), pp. 277-280 (2016)
Hydrogen Ion Beams from Nanostructured Gas Field Ion Sources
July 1, 2016
​Moritani, H., Urban, R., Salomons, M., Wolkow, R.A., Pitters, J., Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22(S3), 612-613
Understanding Charge Dynamics in Silicon Dangling Bond Structures for Nanoscale Devices
January 1, 2016
Livadaru, L., Pitters, J.L., Taucer, M., Wolkow, R.A., NanoTech (1), 35-37
Multiple Silicon Atom Artificial Molecules
July 20, 2016
Wood, J.A., Rashidi, M., Pitters, J.L., Wolkow, R.A, arXiv:1607.06050
New fabrication technique for highly sensitive qPlus sensor with well-defined spring constant
November 1, 2015
Hatem Labidi, Martin Kupstab, Taleana Huff, Mark Salomons, Douglas Vick, Marco Taucera, Jason Pitters, Robert A. Wolkow, Ultramicroscopy (158), 33–37
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy reveals a silicon dangling bond charge state transition
July 1, 2015
​Hatem Labidi, Marco Taucer, Mohammad Rashidi, Mohammad Koleini, Lucian Livadaru, Jason Pitters, Martin Cloutier, Mark Salomons and Robert A. Wolkow, New J. Phys. (17), 073023
Consequences of Many-Cell Correlations in Clocked Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata
April 30, 2015
​Marco Taucer, Faizal Karim, Konrad Walus, Robert A. Wolkow, Nanotechnology, IEEE Transactions (14.4), 638-647
Method of fabricating nanotips with controlled profile
April 11, 2015
Jason L. Pitters, Radovan Urban, Robert A. Wolkow, US Patent 9,102.190
Method for controlling quantum dot device by perturbing dangling bond electronic states
December 15, 2015
​Gino A. DiLabio, Robert A. Wolkow, Jason L. Pitters, Paul G. Piva., US Patent 9,213,945
Atom-scale surface reactivity mediated by long-ranged equilibrium charge transfer
October 13, 2014
​Paul G. Piva, Gino A. DiLabio, Lucian Livadaru, and Robert A. Wolkow, Phys. Rev., B 90, 155422
Evaluating Angular Ion Current Density for Atomically Defined Nanotips
October 1, 2014
Radovan Urban, Robert A. Wolkow, Jason L. Pitters, Microscopy and Microanalysis 20(05), 1514-1520
Single-Electron Dynamics of an Atomic Silicon Quantum Dot on the H− Si (100)−(2× 1) Surface
June 26, 2014
Marco Taucer, Lucian Livadaru, Paul G. Piva, Roshan Achal, Hatem Labidi, Jason L. Pitters, and Robert A. Wolkow., Physical review letters, 112(25), 256801
Conductivity of Si (111)-(7× 7): the role of a single atomic step
June 18, 2014
​Bruno V. C. Martins, Manuel Smeu, Lucian Livadaru, Hong Guo, and Robert A. Wolkow, Physical review letters 112(24), 246802.
Robustness of tungsten single atom tips to thermal treatment and air exposure
May 1, 2014
Cristian Vesaa, Radovan Urban, Jason L. Pitters, Robert A. Wolkow, Applied Surface Science 300,16-21
Four-probe measurements with a three-probe scanning tunneling microscope
April 1, 2014
Mark Salomons, Bruno V. C. Martins, Janik Zikovsky, Robert A. Wolkow, Review of Scientific Instruments 85(4), 045126
Characterizing the rate and coherence of single-electron tunneling between two dangling bonds on the surface of silicon
January 28, 2014
​Zahra Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, Lucian Livadaru, Marco Taucer, Josh Mutus, Jason Pitters, Robert A. Wolkow, Barry C. Sanders, Physical Review B, 89(3), 035315.
Silicon atomic quantum dots enable beyond-cmos electronics
June 1, 2014
​Robert A. Wolkow, Lucian Livadaru, Jason Pitters, Marco Taucer, Paul Piva, Mark Salomons, Martin Cloutier, Bruno V.C. Martins, Field-Coupled Nanocomputing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 33-58
Tip apex shaping of gas field ion sources
August 1, 2013
Pitters, J.L., Urban, R., Vesa, C., Wolkow, R.A., Ultramicroscopy,131, 56-60
Nanoscale structuring of tungsten tip yields most coherent electron point-source
July 1, 2013
​Mutus, J., Livadaru, L., Urban, R., Pitters, J.L., Legg, P., Salomons, M., Cloutier, M., Wolkow, R.A., New Journal of Physics,15, 103031
Field ion microscope evaluation of tungsten nanotip shape using He and Ne imaging gases
November 1, 2012
Urban, Radovan, Robert A. Wolkow, and Jason L. Pitters, Ultramicroscopy 122 (2012): 60-64
Organic nanostructures on hydrogen-terminated silicon report on electric field modulation of dangling bond charge state
June 25, 2012
​Ryan, P.M., Livadaru, L., DiLabio, G.A., Wolkow, R.A., Journal of the American Chemical Society,134(29), 12054-12063
Gas field ion source current stability for trimer and single atom terminated W (111) tips
June 1, 2012
​Urban, Radovan, Jason L. Pitters, and Robert A. Wolkow, Applied Physics Letters 100.26 (2012): 263105
Electronic properties of Si (111)-7× 7 and related reconstructions: Density functional theory calculations
May 14, 2012
​Manuel Smeu, Hong Guo, Wei Ji, Robert A. Wolkow, Physical Review B85.19 (2012): 195315
See full article
Silicon surface conductance investigated using a multiple-probe scanning tunneling microscope
April 21, 2012
​Zikovsky J, Salomons M, Dogel S, Wolkow R.A., Atomic Scale Interconnection Machines: Proceedings of the 1st AtMol European Workshop, 167-180
Dopant depletion in the near surface region of thermally prepared silicon (100) in UHV
March 1, 2012
Pitters, Jason L., Paul G. Piva, and Robert A. Wolkow, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 30.2 (2012): 021806
Creation and recovery of a W (111) single atom gas field ion source
March 1, 2012
​Pitters, Jason L., Radovan Urban, and Robert A. Wolkow, The Journal of chemical physics 136.15 (2012): 154704
Conduction modulation of π-stacked ethylbenzene wires on Si (100) with substituent groups
January 1, 2012
​Smeu, Manuel, Robert A. Wolkow, Hong Guo, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 131.1 (2012): 1-8
Theory of nonequilibrium single-electron dynamics in STM imaging of dangling bonds on a hydrogenated silicon surface
November 1, 2011
Lucian Livadaru, Jason Pitters, Marco Taucer, Robert A. Wolkow, Physical Review B, 84(20), 205416
Limits of elemental contrast by low energy electron point source holography
September 1, 2011
​Livadaru, Lucian, Josh Mutus, Robert A. Wolkow, Journal of Applied Physics, 110(9), 094305
Low-energy electron point projection microscopy of suspended graphene, the ultimate 'microscope slide'
June 8, 2011
​Mutus J. Y., Livadaru L., Robinson J. T., New J. Phys., 13, 063011
Tunnel coupled dangling bond structures on hydrogen terminated silicon surfaces
February 14, 2011
​Jason L. Pitters, Lucian Livadaru, M. Baseer Haider, Robert A. Wolkow, The Journal of Chemical Physics 134(6), 064712
Charge control of surface dangling bonds using nanoscale schottky contacts
February 10, 2011
​Jason L. Pitters., Iana A. Dogel, and Robert A. Wolkow, ACS nano, 5(3), 1984-1989
Indications of field-directing and self-templating effects on the formation of organic lines on silicon
February 1, 2011
Janik Zikovsky, Stanislav A. Dogel, Mark H. Salomons, Jason L. Pitters, Gino A. DiLabio, Robert A. Wolkow, The Journal of Chemical Physics134(11), 114707
Dangling-bond charge qubit on a silicon surface
Augst 9, 2010
​Lucian Livadaru , Peng Xue , Zahra Shaterzadeh-Yazdi, Gino A DiLabio, Josh Mutus, Jason L Pitters, Barry C Sanders, Robert A Wolkow, New J. Phys. 12 083018-32 (2010)
Conduction Pathway of pi-Stacked Ethylbenzene Molecular Wires on Si(100)
August 12, 2009
​Smeu, M., Wolkow, R.A., Hong, G., J.Amer.Chem. Soc., 131, 11019-11026
Modulation of electrical conduction through individual molecules on silicon by the electrostatic fields of nearby polar molecules: Theory and experiment
July 14, 2009
​George Kirczenow, Paul G. Piva, Robert A. Wolkow, Phys. Rev. B, 80, 35309-30 (2009)
Tuning tunneling current rectification with chemical modification of silicon(100) surfaces
February 1, 2009
Sinha, S., Dickie, A.J., Wolkow, R.A., Chem.Phys.Lett., 469, 279-83
Reaction of a hydrogen-terminated Si(100) surface in UHV with ion-pump generated radicals
March 1, 2009
​Zikovsky,S., Dogel, A., Dickie, A.J., Pitters, J.L., Wolkow, R.A., J.Vac.Sci.Technol. A, 27, 248-52
Controlled Coupling and Occupation of Silicon Atomic Quantum Dots at Room Temperature
January 27, 2009
M.Baseer Haider, Jason.L. Pitters, Gino A.DiLabio, Lucian Livadaru, Josh Y. Mutusand Robert A. Wolkow, Phys.Rev.Lett., 102, 46805-8 (2009)